
Lot 67 The Breakers, Wedge Island SA 5606


Lot 67 The Breakers, Wedge Island SA 5606

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Your Own Private Escape

Imagine stepping into a realm where the only sounds you hear are the gentle lapping of waves against the shore and the rustle of wind through the trees. Wedge Island, nestled within the captivating landscape of South Australia's Gambier Islands, offers just that—an escape to a private oasis where tranquillity reigns supreme.

Tucked away in the embrace of Spencer Gulf, between the picturesque Eyre Peninsula and Yorke Peninsula, Wedge Island stands as a testament to nature's untouched beauty. Unlike bustling tourist hotspots, this exclusive sanctuary boasts only a handful of residences, ensuring that visitors experience true solitude amidst breathtaking scenery.

Accessing this hidden gem is an adventure in itself. Whether you opt for a scenic flight from Parafield Airport, Warooka, or Port Lincoln Airport, or prefer to sail the azure waters from Marion Bay or Port Lincoln, every journey to Wedge Island promises a memorable voyage.

Upon arrival, visitors are greeted by the island's modest amenities—a welcoming airstrip for private charters, a quaint pier extending into the crystal-clear waters, and a sentinel lighthouse standing tall against the horizon. These understated features serve as gateways to an unparalleled experience of seclusion and serenity.

For those with an adventurous spirit, Wedge Island's surrounding waters offer boundless opportunities for exploration. Whether casting a line for the perfect catch or delving into the depths for a glimpse of South Australia's underwater wonders, every moment spent in these pristine waters is a testament to the island's allure.

In essence, to live on Wedge Island—even if just for a fleeting moment—is to immerse oneself in the pure essence of solitude, surrounded by the untamed beauty of nature. It's an invitation to disconnect from the chaos of the modern world and reconnect with the rhythms of the earth, all while savouring the exquisite simplicity of island living.


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